

Friday 25 February 2011

Secrets for perfect, clear, soft skin!

Most teenagers have acne and i know its something really hard to go through! To be honest i never experienced this before but i do have 2 or 3 spots on my forehead but i don't guess you call that acne. There are also adults who suffer from acne who passed puberty and still have it.
Acne can be really get worse if you don't deal with it! it can be very dangerous and you can get infection.
Acne is also very uncomfortable and it makes you be less confident! so here are some tips you can fallow to reduce it.

Some products you can use t reduce acne or prevent it:

1.Instead of using any typical wipes use the neutrogena stay clear wipes

2. Use a face wash daily and completely clean your pored deep down one a week using the Neutrogena 2 in 1 cream:

2. Use a daily scrub!

Tips: if you want to reduce spots over night you can try the ice method.
What you will need:

  • ICE
1. Wash your face (Twice)

2.prepare an ice pack using a zip lock bag, a thin towel some aluminum foil and of course Ice. Crushed is best but you can simply crush cubes if that's all you got.

3.Put the crushed ice inside the aluminum foil and seal very well (interlock the edges by folding them into themselves) this will keep the ice cold and from melting too fast. put the foil inside the zip lock bag (again this helps it stay cold. 

 4.Wrap this inside a thin hand towel; this keeps the temperature cold but without being too cold.

5/After you wash your face put the ice pack on the area where the zit is. The aluminum foil and crushed Ice will form a mold around that area, if you have several zits you can make the ice pack bigger.

6. Hold the ice pack over the zip for AT LEAST 10 minutes, this freezes the pores closed forcing out the oil and dirt. The trick here is a.) force out the culprit that's causing the zit, the dirt and oil that's irritating the pores, and b.) to dissolve it so it doesn't just spread to other surrounding pores and make the zit bigger. If you pop the zit it will get bigger because it's like a volcano in overflowing oil into surrounding pores! if you must pop the zit do so while its bathed in Noxzema (challenging yes but safe lol)

7. After ten minutes apply any medicated cleansing cream) on the whole face (just in case any oil escapes to avoid new zits) and rub in very well around the zit area. The cream will absorb the oil and dirt.

8. Wash off the cream and dab with a towel (again don't rub!)


You can also use this method to get rid of pimples or spots over night!
1. First clean your hands and face.
2. Take your tooth-paste and put a pea sized amount on your finger
3. Apply it on your pimple ( don't rub it in)
4. Leave it on for the whole night!


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