

Monday 20 December 2010

How to: look beautiful naturally

Nobody needs lots of makeup to look beautiful. Sometimes, wearing too much makeup makes you seem less confident about the way you look. Also wearing foundation daily will destroy your face in time.
So here are some steps which will help you look beautiful naturally..

First of all..

Get enough sleep!
Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep. Getting enough sleep is essential because it will make you look fresh, also it will reduce the dark circles around your eyes.

Healthy skin
To get a healthy and glowing skin, take a bath, daily moisturise your skin and avoid sun exposure.

Dental care
Wash your teeth  2-3 times a day. Use a tooth paste which will whiten your teeth, prevent and reduce stains, freshens breath the one i use is Colgate totally white .

Keep smiling and work cheerfully. Smiling make you look beautiful and confident.

Wear clothes that will suit you! Don't try to being someone else by wearing shocking colours, be yourself people will know that your not YOU so be more confident about your style :)

Make sure you use a shampoo that is good for you for example if you have damaged hair use a shampoo which will help recover damaged hair ( I recommend Elvive full recovery) if you don't have shiny hair than buy a shampoo
for shiny hair and so on. But make sure you buy a shampoo and conditioner from the same brand! This is very important because using all sort of different products will damage your hair.
Dried lips?
If you have dried lips then get your tooth brush but some water on it and gently brush you lips this will get rid off the dead cells on your lips. also use a good lip balmer e.g Johnsone's baby ones or Vaseline :)

Skip the foundation unless you really, really need it!!
If you want to hide spots don't forget that foundation might hide them but covering them up is the WORST solution , because you are covering them up the pore will not be able to breathe so your spots will get bigger and will start to get less cofortable so make sure you get a cream which will reduce spots ( i recommend Neutrogena stress control) 

Stand tall with great posture.
 Roll your shoulders a few times to feel where they should be. Keep your chin up. Keep your head balanced atop your shoulders, avoiding "forward-head posture.

So this are some tips which will make you look beautiful without any make-up on.

Saturday 18 December 2010


Hello My name is Steph!
This is a small introduction to tell you what this blog is all about :)
So the blog is all about clothes, make-up, hairstyles, fashion etc.
I will start to post new things on it as soon i get time to.
C yu guys soon!
Luv, Steph. xox